I feel left out.

I feel kinda lost right now. One of my best friends is getting married in January and I'm thrilled for her. We're talking over the moon type of thrilled here. I'm just disappointed.

She's been in town several times and I know her and our other best friend have met up a few times and I'm hurt that I wasn't included in that. I mean I know I don't always have money when people want to do something and I feel bad about that. I just wish that after they had done the lunch/dinner thing they would've called or come by and asked me to hang out with them. Since I don't have a job anymore I'm most always at home. I hardly go anywhere unless its to take my cousin to work or to my mom's (cause your mom won't make you feel like a bigger loser than you already do).

She's having a lingerie shower on Saturday and I was supposed to ride with our mutual best friend, but MBF (mutual best friend) is going to see a musical and just staying the night up there. No problem. I can't fault her for that. I don't know if I'm going to get to go now because of the money situation. I don't have gas to get there and the woman I was originally going to ride with wanted me to meet her in Texarkana and go from there but I can't even get to Texarkana. I'm going to call the original woman tomorrow and ask her if she still wants me to ride with her and explain the situation to her. Maybe my parents will be going to Texarkana on Saturday and I can ride with them! Or I know! I can post a status on facebook looking for a ride to Texarkana on Saturday morning and see what I can come up with. I am too smart!!!


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