Welcome to October!

I think this is purple. I might be mistaken, but it looks pretty purple to me. Half of this entry will be written in purple to support domestic violence. The other half will be written in pink of breast cancer support.

I don't talk much about this, but I have been there. Granted it wasn't as bad as what a lot of women go through, but it was domestic violence all the same. I was living in Oregon with my soon to be husband at the time. It came out of nowhere. I went into our bedroom to wake him up one morning and he punched me in the side of my head. I was in shock. I had done nothing to provoke him and couldn't believe that someone I loved would hit me like that. I became one of those women who made up stupid excuses for the bruises she had. I shouldn't have had to do that! You should be able to trust your partner not to beat you like that and he did. I told his mom what was going on and all she did was tell him to stop. She should have seen what was going on! We lived with them after all. After our divorce was final, I promised myself I would never put myself into that position again and so far I haven't. I refuse to have to make up excuses for bruises anymore.

Now this should be pink and it is! I love pink. It's such a beautiful color. I've had my own encounters with breast cancer scares.

I was about 24 and I found a small lump in my right breast. I freaked out and called my mom. She told me to calm down and call the doctor first thing in the morning. I called and they told me I couldn't get an appointment for a couple of days. I just started bawling because I naturally assumed the worst. Two days go by so so slow. Finally the morning of the appointment. They call me back and ask me what's going on. I told them I had found a small lump and was really scared. They did their exam and told me it was fibrocycstic breast disease which just happens around your period. The lumps come and go and I could do things to lessen them showing up by cutting out caffiene and a few other things. Although I know what it is, I still get freaked out a little when I feel one of those lumps when I'm doing a self-exam.


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